Hello, I just bought a PSP again so that I could play Pure, since it isn't available on the Vita from the PSN store. I'm in the US, so we didn't get the dlc for Pure or Pulse that was released in Europe. I'm wondering if there is anyone who has this dlc that can share it and help me download it, or any information about where I can get it (as long as it's not a sketch site). I've been playing all the WipEouts again and would like to have all of the ships and tracks for the PSP games, otherwise it feels like I'm missing out on some WipEout!
True Endurance
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I just found the thread that has the downloads for Pure. If anyone knows of a way I can get the Pulse packs for the US version - If there is a way to pay for them and download them; I'm not talking piracy - let me know!

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Wipeout Pulse Dlc Download Pc
Sep 20, 2020 WipEout Pulse - Auricom Pack (Europe) (DLC).zip (View Contents) 20-Sep-2020 13:35: 9.8M: WipEout Pulse - Harimau Pack (Europe) (DLC).zip (View Contents) 20-Sep-2020. Google search for Wipeout Gamma or Omega pack i assume you could just download the packs anywhere on the net, put the folder, probably like 'UCES00001DGAMMA', into Savegame folder on memory stick. Extra Packs only work on Europe Version of game. Converting save files from USA to EUR is extremely complicated, but possible. WipEout Pulse Download PC, PS4, PS5, Games - WipEout Pulse is the second WipEout game on the PSP platform, featuring all-new tracks, songs, updated graphics and HUDs, and new Infrastructure features such as custom ship skin editing (through the WipEout website) and a host of new Downloadable Content. 5301 North Federal Highway Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33487.
Wipeout Pulse edit edit source Wipeout Pulse, like its predecessor Wipeout Pure, also has downloadable content packs that include new ships, tracks and campaign grids. These packs are available to download for a fee from the PlayStation Store. However, these packs are only available in the European PlayStation Store.