EverestX Releases Pocket POCSAG Transmitter (as seen at Telephreak)
5 May, 2021 - 18:54 — RaTYears ago, EverestX showed off a fancy device that fits in your pocket and enables you to transmit to pagers (via POCSAG). All of us here at SX agreed that it would be an awesome project to publish on soldierx.com someday. We're happy to say that the day has finally come. Please do yourself a favor and check out all of the juicy details here.
Contrary to some of the rumors, we're not dead yet.
What is mri.exe? Mri.exe is known as MRI Core Application, it also has the following name Geek Squad MRI Toolset or or MRI or Microsoft®.NET Framework or WR Tray Icon or MRI for Windows and it is developed by Geek Squad, it is also developed by MH Squad Microsoft Corporation Tweaking.com MRI, Inc. MRI Squad.We have seen about 68 different instances of mri.exe in different location. Mri.exe is known as MRI Core Application, it also has the following name Geek Squad MRI Toolset or or MRI or Microsoft®.NET Framework or WR Tray Icon or MRI for Windows and it is developed by Geek Squad, it is also developed by MH Squad Microsoft Corporation Tweaking.com MRI, Inc.
Mojave Phone Booth Altcoin ICO
1 April, 2021 - 00:55 — BlakeWe are happy to announce and promote the ICO for the official Mojave Phone Booth
To learn more and get involved, please join Mojave Phone Booth by sending 'subscribe [nickname_here]' to +1760-733-9969 over Signal/Telegram or join 7607339969 on Keybase.
SX April Fools' Day 2020 Cancelled
1 April, 2020 - 05:50 — RaTWe like to do a joke every year for April Fools', but after discussion with some of the crew we've decided to cancel this year as many other sites are doing on account of COVID-19. We hope we'll be able to come up with something extra funny in 2021. Good luck and stay safe people.
VulnTrack 1.1 by Ogma Released
27 April, 2019 - 14:51 — OgmaVulnTrack provides monitoring and alerting of security vulnerabilities and exploits based on a provided rule set. In version 1.1 VulnTrack-gtk has been replaced with vulntrack-cli, which is works on both Windows and Linux. Includes new features such as Acknowledge, Remove, and showing vulnerabilities with known exploits available. The database comes pre populated with all exploits from 2017 to 4/24/19. As always, any feedback or feature requests are greatly appreciated.
SX Corrects Climate Change by Hacking Weather Dominator
1 April, 2019 - 00:01 — RaT
We're proud to announce that after years of research, we've finally utilized our backdoor into Cobra's network to hack the SCADA system that controls their weather dominator. As such, we've decided to use this hack to correct climate change - effective immediately. You're welcome.
Note: Cobra Commander could not be reached for comment.
Call For Testing: Cross-DSO CFI in HardenedBSD
20 July, 2018 - 14:44 — latteraOver the past year, HardenedBSD has been hard at work in integrating the Cross-DSO CFI implementation in llvm. We have reached a point where we can release an early (pre-alpha) public Call For Testing (CFT) of this work.
For reasons which will be described below, we recommend this CFT be used by those using root-on-ZFS with boot environments. We recommend testing in a dedicated boot environment.

This initial round of testing is best suited for development server installations. Production servers and desktops/laptops are not advised for testing at this time. We're looking for feedback on what works and doesn't work.
Control Flow Integrity, or CFI, is an exploit mitigation that aims to make it harder for an attacker to hijack the control flow of an executable image. llvm's CFI implementation provides forward-edge protection, meaning it protects call sites and non-return code branches. llvm includes basic and incomplete backward-edge protection via SafeStack.
CFI in llvm consists of two flavors:
1. Non-Cross-DSO CFI
2. Cross-DSO CFI
For over a year now, HardenedBSD has adopted non-Cross-DSO CFI in 12-CURRENT/amd64. Support for non-Cross-DSO CFI was added for 12-CURRENT/arm64 on 01 July 2018. Non-Cross-DSO CFI applies CFI to the applications themselves, but not on the shared objects they depend on. Cross-DSO CFI applies CFI to both applications and shared objects, enforcing CFI across shared object boundaries.
When an application or shared object is compiled, its source files typically get compiled first to intermediate object files. Enabling Cross-DSO CFI requires compiling and linking both static and shared libraries with Link Time Optimization (LTO). When LTO is enabled, these object files are no longer ELF object files, but rather LLVM IR bitcode object files.
filter_listLeak Geek Squad - MRI BDE 5.10.4 |
New link --> https://mega.nz/#!wSZD3LbK!KJohIV_eg15Er..s3itbDVfkU
The source is back up and now in an ISO image. Enjoy SL!
• alxirr, davtalor, Ecchi, Ecks, mothered, Okami817, SaMoo7, testerbabar
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(06-11-2017, 02:34 AM)zorrophreak Wrote: More information? Not quite sure what you mean by this, but certainly interested.
It's basically Geek Squad's proprietary software that they use to diagnose and repair Windows computers. It has anti-virus, password management,
cache & temp cleaners, and all kinds of testing/diagnosing features, etc. PM me if you want a copy.

Geek Squad Mri 2021
Many thanks In advance.
Thank you for the offer.
I shall convert It to a bootable ISO, and test It thereafter.
Thanks again.
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• d0ntjump
(06-11-2017, 01:53 AM)d0ntjump Wrote: Anyone interested in a copy of Geek Squad's MRI software?
hi i would like to have this
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Geek Squad Mri
[TOOL] What do you guys think of Geek Squad's Startup Manager? Is there a tool that does something similar?
I had Geek Squad work on an old computer and got it back with a copy of their MRI disc. I'll admit, that disc is pretty handy. It's a live disc which boots on UEFI and BIOS motherboards to a preinstalled environment that automatically loads an offline OS's registry hive.
From what I can see, a lot of the tools they use are 3rd party programs that can be got for free (Ccleaner, TDSS Killer, MBAM, Sysinternals clones etc) and a few I can't find yet (SAMurai, for instance, for deleting local passwords). They also have scripts they wrote (at least I think they wrote it) that can do some pretty nifty automated stuff.
However, I can't find a program that the startup manager was based off (seems like more than autoruns). Youda mystery the stanwick legacy walkthrough strategy guide. It categorizes the registry and allows you to view and delete entries. Even if it's just autoruns, how do you incorporate it into a live cd that automatically loads offline OS hives?